Netflix Kids Watch Stream True History of the Kelly Gang
Stars: George MacKay;
Writed by: Peter Carey;
Duration: 124 M;
Rating: 2747 Vote;
Genres: Crime
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This movie was BONKERS in the best way; George Mackay was on FIRE. very captivating and an interesting, unorthodox, refreshing take on the story.
Great idea for a film. Not gonna watch
Movie Ending : They Win. I just watched it and it was actually pretty good. To be honest.
Is the turkey bowl just a Wisconsin thing? Ive played it on thanksgiving, but now realize others might not know what it is. Modern trailers show so much that I dont even need need to go see the movies. Let me guess, the Badgers quaterback leads his team to a miraculous victory and upsets the favorites. It was strangely pretty good than most of the high budget fantasy bullshit lately. no feminist or gay agendas. This movie is pure Psychological drama. I really love the ending. Also the ending song is really amazing. I read the book and felt the Author made the Irish Aussies dumb and uneducated. I really like this movie 👍.
So the heterephobic cross dressing losers of the true history Kelly Gang sucked mightily.
Peter Carey should be advertising recreational pharmaceuticals- it would help with the movie viewing.
The troopers (cops) were the bright point of this movie. You actually feel sorry for the rich and powerful for the loser scumbags of the Kelly Gang afflicting them.
Wonder where they got so many dresses and razors to keep so immaculately groomed.
Grow up Peter Carey. Crap story crap villains in the Kelly Gang. Should have all been executed sooner and shorten this slow motion train wreck of a film.
Brett Cullen fans must be pissed, more scenes of Thad Castle in the trailer. What a bad movie. Some good performances initially but most of the dialogue is inaudible and the story is well completely biazare.
I've been looking for some new comedies, these are perfect can't wait. I've been dying to see this for ages, will it be out in the UK soon. What did she eat in the last scene. Omg, he did a brilliant job in this movie! Blew me away with his acting. I see lance corporal Schofield is back home tryna get some ass.
Nobody ever: wakes from Nightmare to watch horror trailers Me: did exactly that. Wheres Adam Sandler? 😂. Dont u hate in the movies when the main character tries to tell the other characters that something freaky is going on and dont believe me is so annoying. Haley Bennett is ridiculously underrated. She is a wonderful actress. How come Charlie hunnam sounds like bono. A bit of a cringefest, but very relatable and generally fun.
I saw this at the Philadelphia Film Festival and it was absolutely lovely
Dont be scared you are safe down here Take a cookie and milk 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🥛🥛🥛🥛. The first one looks straight out of Crypt TV. That looks like the plot of a mordeo monster film. I am actually in love with him.